We are so excited, have had 2 comments on our blog! Thank you Marie and Ingrid! We were sort of wondering if anyone was actually reading it, or if our sporadic posts were just for our own eyes. Now that we know, we are happy.
Not much new to report (seems to be the way these days...) but yesterday we went to our future (??) home and started digging a corner up for our vegetable patch. We (read Glenn) did some digging and turned a little plot of soil over and mixed it with some compost, before we planted our first seeds, some onions, aubergines and parsley. There is space for a lot more but as the rain got pretty heavy we decided to leave the rest for the day. However, the bad weather stayed so today we ended up going to the Monday market in Caldas da Rainha for some rugs and a good look around. You can buy more or less anything there, from socks, spades and furniture to live chicken, fruit trees and sausages. We got 4 good rugs for 15 euros, which we thought was a bargain, as that is what you'd pay for one in the shop. Think we were meant to haggle but the old lady looked so happy when we paid her it was worth spending those few extra cents.
We also managed to get a fishing rod, with reel, for 10 euros! Not what we went for but a bargain all the same. Hopefully when the rain stops we will get a chance to try it out in the lagoon, with a permit purchased of course. we hear that the fishing shop here in Foz is run by a very helpful man so we are planning a visit there for some tips on what fish we can expect to catch and what bait to use.
The rain is due to stay for a few days but as soon as we make it back out we will get some pictures of our first attempt of growing our own vegetables, and let you know what else we have planted of course. Keep all fingers crossed that our first seeds have not drowned yet.... So till then.... Cheerio x
Jag tror minsann att Vera läser också! ;)
Kul att se hur ni har det? Låter mycket trevligare hos er än hos mig, skola, skola, skola! Men snart är det slut...yeeeeey!!!
Nu blev det tom två kommentarer! Eftersom jag är dementlight och glömde skriva mitt namn! Haha..
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