Thursday, 2 December 2010

1 December 2010

Today was spent up at the land trying to tidy it up a bit more.  However, after the pretty heavy rains we have had, the drive up was a complete mudslide and we could not get the car up to the house, it was like Bambi on ice.  So as soon as the fire was lit to burn yesterday's collection of weeds etc, Glenn spent some time and effort digging out the drive to get to solid ground, not the easiest job when the mud is slippery and heavy!

Susie cleared some more of the unwanted plants and weeds with the newly purchased scythe and tried to keep the fire going, again not the easiest after the rains but we got rid of some of it.
Glenn also dug the ditch out a bit more to get a better outlet for the water when it rains again, hopefully that will help!
The weather has been so funny, been ok in the days but then we have had 2 nights of mad thunderstorms and rains like we've never seen before.  Quite scary when only in our little caravan actually, but quite a comforting sound to fall asleep to (some contradiction there!).
We went to see an architect on Monday, which left us a bit confused.... Basically everyone we speak to tells us we need different permissions and various levels of professionals to do the job.  He was saying we'd be best off getting a typography done (don't ask me to explain it!) and then ask our lawyer to apply to have the plots we bought changed into one big plot (instead of 4 as it is now) with all the correct boundaries and correct measurements for the house showing.  Sounds like a good plan but at what cost and what timescale???
He also said we would not be able to do as much of the work ourselves and that it all needs to be overseen by him, whilst the estate agent thinks having an architect is a waste of money and we can just get on with it as soon as we find a builder.  Oh well, we'll see what happens. Think we may go for the architect option as then at least there will be someone there  to "hold our hand"  through the process.  Luckily we have found the bestest couple ever, Anna and Jan, who are a few years ahead of us with building their house, but seem to have the best life ever and they are always very generous  with advice and help.
Finally getting to see the lawyer tomorrow so we can collect all our documents and fiscal card, which we need to open a bank account.  Fed up with paying the bank charges every time we need something from the shop.
Anyhow, Glenn has made a beef casserole which smells lovely so best get a shower and get ready for dinner!


Anonymous said...

What an adventure! And now I can follow it.
The first 6 weeks back in Hamburg I used my mobile to go online - or I went to a café. But today I moved into my new temporary flat, where I can enjoy free unlimited internet ;o)

Hope you are both well and that it wont get as freezing cold down there as it is here. It's been snowing all day again!

Lots of love and a big hug,

Anna och Jan - Man ser floden said...

Hej Susie och Glenn!

Jag skriver på svenska så du Susie får översätta till Glenn. Först, tack för omnämnandet.

Vet ni att ni måste ha licens för att elda? Den får ni hos er fregusia. Ta med Cardenetan. Tillståndet kostar under 2 Euro här hos oss.

Anna och Jan